Saturday, April 30, 2011

How to Proof Yeast

Whenever you are baking bread, buns or naan etc. its always a good idea to proof yeast before. It will save you time, ingredients and your energy as well, especially if you are not using yeast regularly and its been sitting around for long time. So to proof yeast you will need:

Active dry yeast                   1 tbsp or as per recipe
Warm water                         1/2 cup
Sugar                                    1 tsp


  • Put i/2 cup of water in microwave safe bowl and microwave it for about 15 - 20 seconds. Water just needs to be warm not hot . Hot water will kill those bacteria. On touch water should feel nice and warm, like baby's bottle of milk.

    • Dissolve yeast and sugar into warm water.
    • let it sit for about 5 minutes. If it becomes all bubbly and frothy that means yeast is active and good. If not then yeast is old and will not work. Discard this and buy  new packet of yeast. 

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