Saturday, May 7, 2011

Qandhari Naan by Rida Aftab

Flour                       2 cup
Yeast                      1 tbsp
Sesame seeds        2tbsp
Salt                          ½ tsp
Baking Soda           1/2 tsp
Luke warm water


  •  Dissolve yeast in ½ cup warm water and keep aside.
  •  Add salt and  baking soda in flour and sift together.
  • Add yeast mixture in flour and make dough. Use warm water to knead the dough.
  •  Let dough sit to rise until double in size.
  •  Prepare a baking sheet by greasing slightly with oil or butter.
  • Divide dough in two portions and give naan shape. Qandhari naan’s are shaped oval and thick from edges. Make impression on naan by pressing with your finger tips. Let these naans rest for about 10 minutes so they  increase in size.
  •  Mix some oil and water together, brush naan with this mixture  and sprinkle till/sesame seeds over it.
  •  Bake in preheated oven -180 degree Celsius for 8-10 minutes.

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