Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mix vegetable kebabs


Frozen mix vegetables                2 cups
Fresh coriander                          2 - 3 tbsp (chopped)
Fresh mint                                   2 tbsp (chopped)
Garam masala                            1 tsp
Red chili powder                        1/2 tsp
Gram flour(Besan)                    2 - 3 tbsp
Green chilies                              1 - 2 / per taste (chopped)
Salt                                             per taste


  • Take two cups of frozen mix vegetable in a microwave safe dish or bowl.
  • Microwave for 5 minutes. Put veggies in a sieve and mash with help of fork or using back of a spatula. Excess water will be drained through sieve. Allow veggies to cool.
  • Now add red chili powder, salt, garam masala, gram flour, chopped coriander, mint and green chilies. Mix all together. Picture is bit blur but you can get it.

  • Make kebabs of desired size, try not to make too big otherwise will take longer to cook. Heat about 1 tsp of oil in pan and carefully place those kebabs. Cook from one side till they are golden brown then turn and cook from other side. Make sure to cook on bit low flame to get crisper kebabs.
  • Serve with ketchup of any chuttny of your choice.

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