Friday, August 5, 2011

Vermicelli Squares / Logs


Sweetened condensed milk                 1 can
Vermicelli                                            2 packet/400 gm
Butter                                                 50 gm
Cooking chocolate                             100 gm
Coconut                                              ½ cup


  • Grease a 10 X 10 dish slightly with oil and keep aside.
  • Break vermicelli in small pieces and keep aside.
  • Melt butter in pan add vermicelli and fry them till light golden in color. Keep flame low as they tend to burn easily.
  • Remove pan from heat and add condensed milk. Mix really well so all vermicelli are coated with condensed milk.
  • Now put vermicelli in already prepared dish. Spread evenly and with the help of spatula press down firmly so they get packed really well. Level the surface as well with spatula.

  • Leave it to get cool and all set. You may need to put this in fridge in hot weather. It will take about 1 -2 hours.

  • Once set cut in pieces using sharp knife.
  • Melt chocolate over a water bath.
  • Coat vermicelli pieces in chocolate and let them cool. Coat few in chocolate and then roll them in coconut. Coat few pieces only in coconut.
  • Once set enjoy with tea or coffee.

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